The Pharmacy Guild of Australia is the national peak pharmacy organisation representing community pharmacy. It strives to promote, maintain and support community pharmacies as the most appropriate primary providers of health care to the community through optimum therapeutic use of medicines, medicines management and related services.

Community pharmacies are a vital part of our national health system with the potential to make an even bigger contribution to the health of all Australians.

The NSW Branch delivers a range of services to assist members in operating professional businesses that service the healthcare needs of patients in NSW.
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What we stand for

  1. Ensuring patients across NSW have timely access to support for their everyday healthcare needs
  2. Finding practical and immediate solutions to current healthcare access issues
  3. Relieving pressure off our overloaded GPs and hospitals
  4. Ensuring pharmacists are supported to deliver quality healthcare to all Australians


We’re working together with the Australian community, industry and professional organisations to enable pharmacists to provide more healthcare services to patients experiencing routine conditions.